Saturday, April 12, 2008

For Fox's Sake

Jackie, one of my housemates, found a dead fox in our garden about 20 minutes ago. I phoned Lewisham Council to ask whether anyone from environmental health could come round to pick it up. 'No', came the answer, since it's Saturday afternoon and that's out of hours. However, they would see if someone from refuse collection could come round instead.

About 10-15 minutes later, a bin lorry drew up outside and yes, it was in response to our call. Impressed doesn't even begin to describe it - despite the published response times, there might be occasions when you'd struggle to get an ambulance that quickly if you'd dialled 999!

Well done Lewisham Council. Have a gold star :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised; them's good eating. How much did they give you for it?

Richard Thomson said...

Now you come to mention it, they did bear an uncanny resemblance to these guys...

Anonymous said...

Just wait until Boris is Mayor. If it happens again, he'll send round some chinless wonders on horseback and a pack of hounds just to make sure it's dead...
