Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paxo Stuffed

I once sat next to Dr Eurfyl ap Gwilym at dinner, and can confirm that he probably is the sharpest knife in the drawer. *Big* mistake, then, for Paxman to try to sneer, condecend and assert without foundation his way through this interview with the man who is Plaid Cymru's economics adviser.

Paxman clearly didn't know who Dr ap Gwilym was before last night. Bet he'll remember in future!


redcliffe62 said...

Heard he was good, paxo had the figures but chose not to read them out.

Unknown said...

Eurfyl flayed Paxman who got a taste of his own medicine and not before time, the arrogant know-all!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I laughed. Well done Dr ap Gwilym. Paxman is such an arrogant old man. He really thinks he's the star of the show. Whereas, in reality he's a t**t.

CrazyDaisy said...

How enjoyable to see this arse knocked on it in a comprehensive fashion by the Dr!

tony said...

>>Paxman clearly didn't know who Dr ap Gwilym was before last night. Bet he'll remember in future!<<

You had better believe it!