Saturday, November 01, 2008

R B Farquhar Dinner

I was fortunate to be able to attend the RB Farquhar charity dinner last night in Aberdeen. This year, the dinner was in aid of CLAN, a cancer charity helping patients and their families in Aberdeen and the North of Scotland.

Just about every family will have been touched by cancer at some time, and mine is no exception. While the NHS does what it can, the support of the voluntary sector can be invaluable in helping not just the patient, but everyone else in the immediate family who is affected also, even if only to let you realise that you're not fighting it alone. The illness is often accompanied by job, money or family worries, and simply being able to offer counselling, support, a short break or accommodation to allow a friend or relative to accompany a patient while they are in Aberdeen for treatment, can boost morale at a time when feelings are often at their lowest ebb.

Even in these more difficult times, the auction on its own managed to raise well over £30,000. And in addition to the official entertainment, one hotel guest managed to drop in to offer a few words of support of his own:

All told, a great night in aid of a great cause.

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